
Utility functions related to the djstripe app.




A mocked QuerySet class that does not handle updates. Used by UpcomingInvoice.invoiceitems.



Delete the records in the current QuerySet.

Source code in djstripe/utils.py
def delete(self):
    return 0
djstripe.utils.QuerySetMock.from_iterable(model, iterable) classmethod
Source code in djstripe/utils.py
def from_iterable(cls, model, iterable):
    instance = cls(model)
    instance._result_cache = list(iterable)
    instance._prefetch_done = True
    return instance

Update all elements in the current QuerySet, setting all the given fields to the appropriate values.

Source code in djstripe/utils.py
def update(self):
    return 0



Source code in djstripe/utils.py
def clear_expired_idempotency_keys():
    from .models import IdempotencyKey

    threshold = timezone.now() - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)


Convert a Stripe API timestamp response (unix epoch) to a native datetime.

Source code in djstripe/utils.py
def convert_tstamp(response) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
    Convert a Stripe API timestamp response (unix epoch) to a native datetime.
    if response is None:
        # Allow passing None to convert_tstamp()
        return response

    # Overrides the set timezone to UTC - I think...
    tz = timezone.utc if settings.USE_TZ else None

    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(response, tz)

djstripe.utils.get_friendly_currency_amount(amount, currency)

Source code in djstripe/utils.py
def get_friendly_currency_amount(amount, currency: str) -> str:
    currency = currency.upper()
    sigil = CURRENCY_SIGILS.get(currency, "")
    return "{sigil}{amount:.2f} {currency}".format(
        sigil=sigil, amount=amount, currency=currency


Pull a stripe account's supported currencies and returns a choices tuple of those supported currencies.

:param api_key: The api key associated with the account from which to pull data. :type api_key: str

Source code in djstripe/utils.py
def get_supported_currency_choices(api_key):
    Pull a stripe account's supported currencies and returns a choices tuple of those
    supported currencies.

    :param api_key: The api key associated with the account from which to pull data.
    :type api_key: str
    import stripe

    stripe.api_key = api_key

    account = stripe.Account.retrieve()
    supported_payment_currencies = stripe.CountrySpec.retrieve(account["country"])[

    return [(currency, currency.upper()) for currency in supported_payment_currencies]